"Our products are designed to elevate skills and knowledge. Together with my team of seasoned experts, we deliver these products online and/or in person at convenient meeting venues or directly within your organisation."

Michel Daenen - Expat Specialist

For expats

Dutch Career Compass

Finding a job 

in the Netherlands

Complete guide to taking a well-considered next step in your career and achieve your career goals

Find out more

via ZOOM or by Telephone

Video Business Card

Make a memorable first impression. 

You can briefly explain what you stand for, and make a lasting impact on potential employers in the Netherlands.

Back on Track

Rediscover your passion after your move

A journey for expat spouses who gave up a fulfilling life in their home country following their partner. 

For employers

Online Onboarding 

Dutch Start: Online Complete

Preparation Course

The ultimate preparation for newly hired expats, who will be moving to the Netherlands to work in your company. 

Dutch Leadership
Essential professional management skills

Support your international high potential employees to be an effective manager in the Netherlands

Cultural Synergy

Boosting collaboration in international workplaces

Ensure higher employee satisfaction and retention, reduce misunderstandings and increase productivity of your team.